XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 12 – Table Headers and Movie Stars!

XHTML and CSS Tutorial - 12 - Table Headers and Movie Stars!

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13 responses to “XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 12 – Table Headers and Movie Stars!”

  1. DragonsREpic says:

    @thenewboston It’s all on one line -_-‘

  2. Catalysticgaming811 says:

    With all respect sir, but this type of ignorance makes people run away from religion..

  3. liam smith says:

    Nice but dont bother watching garden state

  4. Azif Jamal says:

    In an interview;

    Interviewer: Who is the best in the world?
    The Man : thenewboston, our bucky roberts
    Interviewer: Good! You’re Appointed.
    The Man : Thank You Sir.

  5. Keenan Abner says:

    I would have put those two names too haha.

  6. Rizwan Saharan says:

    Nice header i love that

  7. john kaza says:

    the bible doesn’t say anything about html so it can’t be important.

  8. shatley123 says:

    Are you saying bucky is so good he can teach html to retards (yourself as an example)? AGREED!

  9. Henry Hugo H. Sykes says:

    A man of taste!

  10. 101GameplayTutorial says:

    I bet this is why you are on this tutorial, right?

  11. GigsofRam says:

    Right click anywhere on the browser and click view page source.
    Press CTRL+F (or Command+F) and type in html

    There, even big sites like YouTube still use HTML.

  12. PENDANTturnips says:

    Its been 2 years but i feel that its my duty to call you a fucking retard.

  13. David Thomas says:

    your tutorials are the best….

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