26 – Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS6)

In this Dreamweaver tutorial, we will see how to finish up the CSS styles for our basic webpage and prepare to create web templates and pages from our sample…
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Video tutorial posted 04/09/13
Category: Dreamweaver Tutorials
Tags: Dreamweaver, Introduction, Tutorial

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you havent put the #hashtag in color:#000
#topnav a:link { font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase; color:#000; }
nvm…i figured it out.
Why are my links always showing up in blue?
Createthenet, thank you so much for all your videos. I will be donating to your site because of how useful, detailed and understanding your videos are. Keep em coming. I’m not done with this tutorial yet, but I’ll be viewing them.
Hello Createthenet, Brilliant tutorials!
My dad wants to start a Jewelry website but we cannot afford to pay for web designers.. I was hoping to create the website myself but i do have a clue how to create an online store, i was hoping that maybe one of the upcoming tutorials could be based on setting up an online store 🙂 Im sick of my dad struggling with his job as the trade is very dodgy and i would like to set up this website ASAP 🙂 Its a long process but the outcome is priceless!
Use debut video capture it records your as you work and your voice also it is free its a fantastic bit of software.
First hehe