Brush Tool Tutorial – Wacom Cintiq 21UX – Illustrator & Photoshop CS5

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Video tutorial posted 20/09/13
Category: Illustrator Tutorials

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Thank you! Learned so much.
Thank you! Learned so much.
Thank you! Learned so much.
Thank you! Learned so much.
did you go to school ? and you should make more tutorials !!
How do smoth lines in photoshop?
you just made my inking so much better
@ 5:30 you are talking about the angle change ability. 1) if your brush is a circle, it won’t change anything to rotate it (rotating a circle will still be a circle) and 2) you have it set to FIXED. You are supposed to change that to pen tilt or something else (tablet needs to support this, err, pen).
Do you have a Wacom pen tablet? Or a pen tablet that supports pressure sensitivity?
Ive noticed sometimes you use other techniques you did not mention in the video. I’m just starting with digital inking. I usually do my comics/illustrations with reservoir pens, microns and copics. I was wondering how you get those deep black “marvel-esque” shadings? and, you sometimes duplicate shapes in your drawings and place them in multiple areas in the piece. How do you do that stuff? and when you fill in all the black. HOW? SO GOOD! some day would you do a tutorial within an illustration?
i really need your help man, on the brush options i can only change it to either fixed or random all the other settings such as pressure are not available? ive looked on every video to do with pressure sensitivity in illustrator and i cant find anything that solves the problem i have. I’m dying to use illustrator but my lines just look shit:(
thankyou, im glad someone finally said that. Not to sound arrogant, but lots of hard work and talent does help when making something into nothing lol There is no brush that can really help you draw clean lines quickly, the only thing that is going to help you in this department is your drawing skills.
Great tutorial. Fab artist. If anyone is wondering why your stuff is looking like his, it’s EXPERIENCE and ABILITY. Nothing technical will make you an instant good artist. It’s a lot like the kid that bought the 20-piece drum set: He thought he would really rock with quantity, but it’s the quality, G.
Dude, can you help me about the pressure function? The pressure option is not available, I hope you can help me
is that a customised munny i see?
awesome tutorial