C# Tutorial 11, Threading

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Video tutorial posted 13/09/13
Category: C# Tutorials

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This is horrible. You are doing unsafe multi-threading, stop using CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls and invoke the the richTextBox. Also an infinite loop shouldn’t be done using for(;;) but with while(true).
i prefer c++ to C#, but that’s my opinion. Hmm from my experience you don’t want too many extra threads. (it will freaze up your computer) but a couple is fine.
Ive been programming since i was 9. Im actually developing a game right now.
I think so.
Till your program crashes due to deadlocks 🙂
can we replace timers by threads??
i cannot change the CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls in Visual Studio 2010 and 11 Beta
Thank you very much (:
Yeah I know that now, lol. I made this like a year ago when I didn’t know the correct term for anything.
umm you are not creating a new “void” you are creating a method. void means you are not returning a value.