Lightroom 4 Tutorial: Editing Raw Wedding Photos Part2

Lightroom 4 Tutorial: Editing Raw Wedding Photos Part2

Please go and check out my Facebook photo page and like it 😀 and ill keep these vid and much more coming! PRESETS:…

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24 responses to “Lightroom 4 Tutorial: Editing Raw Wedding Photos Part2”

  1. Carmen King says:

    these tuts are great!

  2. bittleam says:

    pfft…i find his voice super hot. [that’s inaprooooopriate.] 

  3. David Iliyn says:

    Thanks! I usually shoot standard, when shooting raw it does not apply once imported into LR, more or less it just gives you a better feel for what it will look like after editing while shooting in the field. Good luck man!

  4. TheHelipictures says:

    Just discovered your tutos before my first wedding shoot and trust me I am ready to rock’n’roll!! Thank u thank u for these great tutos!! Just have a few questions: are you shooting Neutral or faithfull? Do you have it set all to 0? Great work! Really love it!

  5. Jhel jhoyz says:

    sir i cant open my raw files didnt show up.

  6. southdownscentsy says:

    All I can see is a large upside down penis on the side of the rock they are standing on. Love the voice, love the instructions, and the fun while editing these videos. Thanks.

  7. David Iliyn says:

    its…a good one. 

  8. Mark Maas says:

    Could you show us what the preset called “New shit” does? ;-P

  9. kevin fewox says:

    8:45 I do this all the time lol, Great video by the way!

  10. Lita Nanulaitta says:

    can you tell me how you saved your presets?

  11. jhass101 says:

    Really useful, many thanks for your time. Best from Spain.

  12. thuan nguyen says:

    how do u calibrate your screen? i dont want to buy 100 dollars color calibrate and use it once. can you make a video of it?

  13. Nancy Cuppy says:

    You stretch your wordddddddds……I am from South Dakota and we drag our vowels. Can’t handle you voice…their loss our gain! Great tutorials!

  14. jess mcusi says:

    where did you say we can get your pre sets from?

  15. Donnie Mckinnon says:

    They’re wrong!! Your voice is sexy as !@%^ !! ;)

  16. Jason Smith says:

    Your awesome bro! These tutorials really help!

  17. Kenny Miller says:

    What do you look for in an assistant or second shooter?

  18. David Iliyn says:

    Have before, but most of the time i have an assistant!

  19. Kenny Miller says:

    Do you ever shoot weddings alone? Your photographs are pretty awesome.

  20. jbooba says:

    nice tutorial still at some point you should learn or lookup proper sharpen tech

  21. David Iliyn says:

    thats unfortunateeeeee ;)

  22. nebby12345 says:

    im sorry im sure the content is awesome, but i cant handle ur voice and the way u stretch out ur worddddsss.

  23. Evgesha023 says:

    Превосходные фотографии! Приятная обработка. Глаз радуется)) Спасибо что поделились! Возьмите меня на стажировку))Буду поднимать уровень свадебной фотографии в России:)

  24. Phong Nguyen says:

    Great tutorial. Loved it.

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