3Ds Max Tutorial – 6 – Advanced Selections

How the pros use selections.
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Video tutorial posted 30/10/13
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials
Tags: Advanced, Selections, Tutorial

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Bro thanks for this tutorial.. i learn a lot from you ^_^
you rockzz :)
Everyone’s already told you you’re AWESOME for making these AWESOME tutorials, but I really need to thank you for having the patience of explaining everything slowly, clearly and in detail. Thanks a lot, really. You’re helping lots of us amateur animators.
yeah i agree this guys sick at this really breaks it down cheers.
a losers who couldn’t continue in 3d modeling and stuff
thank you for helping me out with the tutorial im really keen on making new things
He’s using 2010, but the newer versions look the same (I’m using 2014).
best tutorial channel ever
Great tutorial …. Its really helpful. Thanks 🙂
Well, I acquired it… not necessarily with any financial spending…
…If you know what i mean…
… 🙂
Most people would wait until after they know how to use a thousand dollar product before buying it, so it only makes sense most people here would try the student version first. You don’t just waste money like that before you even know if it’s the right program for you.
thanks by the knowledge!!!
did anyone here Actually purchase 3ds max btw?:D
And who are those stupid 12 who disliked this video?
It wasn’t shit, don’t try shit.
Gotta go get a new keyboard now.
Advanced ? R those things advanced? Come onn!!! Quite normal max selections… Thanks
Tenku ! Tenku very much sir, I Wish i will overcome in 3D max Easly Becacuse of ur help !
me too
Thanks so much for the simple and easy-to-follow instructions. I got a 1200 page book with a CD that I was struggling with.