c# Unity3D Tutorial Series #01 – Player Movement

c# Unity3D Tutorial Series #01 - Player Movement

Unity 3D c# tutorial series.
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15 responses to “c# Unity3D Tutorial Series #01 – Player Movement”

  1. C0ldvisi0n says:

    really really helpful thanks your my man!!!!!

  2. Jonathan Weinberger says:

    So if you’re going into the millions range, use a double or int. Otherwise, float will suffice.

  3. Jonathan Weinberger says:

    Double is for large numbers such as: 15-16 digits (can be decimal)

    Float is for decimal numbers in general. Before switching to double, it’s recommended that you use atleast 7 digits.

    After 7 digits, it’s acceptable to use double.

  4. Hentai Otaku says:

    any reason to use float instead of double?

  5. Jonathan Weinberger says:

    go ahead and 0 the x y z on the transform position. Then in the hierarchy, select the cube, move your mouse to the scene view, and hold F. That should take you to your cube.

    Thanks for watching!

  6. Cat Bob says:

    I make a cube in game object, but I cant see it… I can select though

  7. Tjandy98 says:


  8. Jonathan Weinberger says:

    Thanks a lot!

  9. Antoine Savoie says:

    it’s pretty interesting. I am a student in IT to become programmer and i am really interested in devlopping some personnal stuff. I think that this video showed me how easy it is to work with some great and COMPLETE(php if u know what i mean) tools.

    Very good video! keep em coming !

  10. Jonathan Weinberger says:

    Thanks for watching! 🙂

  11. Mohamed Alioui says:

    Great video! I loved it. Thank you!

  12. Jonathan Weinberger says:

    Thanks for watching! Glad you’re enjoying my videos!

    Keep up with Twitter on Digital Gaming Institute @DGIStudents

  13. Joshua Bowman says:

    Thanks! I just finished a “make a clock in unity” tutorial. When I finished I thought, “Great… what the hell am I going to do with that if I don’t need to make a clock?” This format is much more helpful to me.

  14. Jonathan Weinberger says:

    ha, you’re welcome. 

  15. Jakob Furbo says:


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