c# Unity3D Tutorial Series #01 – Player Movement

Unity 3D c# tutorial series.
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Video tutorial posted 21/10/13
Category: C# Tutorials

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really really helpful thanks your my man!!!!!
So if you’re going into the millions range, use a double or int. Otherwise, float will suffice.
Double is for large numbers such as: 15-16 digits (can be decimal)
Float is for decimal numbers in general. Before switching to double, it’s recommended that you use atleast 7 digits.
After 7 digits, it’s acceptable to use double.
any reason to use float instead of double?
go ahead and 0 the x y z on the transform position. Then in the hierarchy, select the cube, move your mouse to the scene view, and hold F. That should take you to your cube.
Thanks for watching!
I make a cube in game object, but I cant see it… I can select though
Thanks a lot!
it’s pretty interesting. I am a student in IT to become programmer and i am really interested in devlopping some personnal stuff. I think that this video showed me how easy it is to work with some great and COMPLETE(php if u know what i mean) tools.
Very good video! keep em coming !
Thanks for watching! 🙂
Great video! I loved it. Thank you!
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Thanks! I just finished a “make a clock in unity” tutorial. When I finished I thought, “Great… what the hell am I going to do with that if I don’t need to make a clock?” This format is much more helpful to me.
ha, you’re welcome.