Cascading Drop-down Navigation Menu with CSS (Part 1)

Use CSS to convert a nested unordered list into a multi-level, drop-down, cascading navigation menu. Demo File:…
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Video tutorial posted 02/10/13
Category: CSS Tutorials
Tags: Cascading, Dropdown, Menu, Navigation, Part

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THIS IS AWESOME!!! thanks!!
btw, what should i do if i want the cascading buttons to stay fixed in position once activated? I mean i don´t want the sub-menu buttons to disappear after activating the parent item.
Dear Ralph,
Thank you for taking the time to create a very helpful video. I’m a newbie – question: Given a HTML5 web site of 2 pages (2 html files), each page is to have the identical navigation menu. Does the HTML code (un-ordered list and list item elements) have to be replicated in each html file?
I realize the styling can all be in one css file. Thanks.
Thank you so much for this amazing tutorial sir, i was looking for learning this technique to create navigation menu in dropdown…and this is the easiest way to learn…gud job (y)
Hi. Could you explain the difference? I have just written the last background color, border and border radius under ”ul#navmenu li” instead of ”ul#navmenu a”. The result looks similar. Can I use this way too? Or is it wrong?
Best menu tutorial! Cause you tell what those tags and other stuff stand for pretty well!
which version of css are you using i am using css2.1 will it work in that
Thanks for this! Helped a lot.
Does anyone know how I can resize the hovereffect for the submenu only, without affecting the parentmenu?
you are just AWESOME..
Very nice tutorial! I subbed
Hi Ralph, thanks for this great tutorial.
In fact i’am facing the same bug in IE and i would like to know if i can send to you the code to verify it. btw this code is working perfectly in other browsers.
ok.that’s creepy
That doesnt seem to be working for me
3:47 thats what she said
if you hate it then why use it…?
If my site has 50 pages this internal style will not help.
Ralph tell my what do You thinking about my tutorials? Thanks for inspiration.
Great Video… really helped me out with some things. Also switched my Notepad++ to blackboard! hehe
an you have also earned a subscriber
hey thanks I’ve been looking for like an hour for a video that doesn’t use Dreamweaver but can never find one I like to do it with notepad for good practice considering i’m still learning so thank you very much