HTML Tutorial: What Is HTML?

HTML Tutorial: What Is HTML?

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5 responses to “HTML Tutorial: What Is HTML?”

  1. Spook SEO says:

    That’s an intereting video about HTML.Some webmasters want to submit contnets in HTML format.This can be a great help.

  2. blackraider777 says:

    for a begginer good start at learning HTML would be to study existing web pages around the net, by either using web dev tools inside browsers or some web-app like Webdeconstructor. com that let’s you analyse layout of any given web-page and all HTML tags on it
    not a spam people, real stuff…

  3. Anton Daniels says:

    Nice video and excellent graphics. From one expert to another, good job.

  4. TheUsb25 says:

    Could you also use MonoDevelop to code the page or not?
    Because I use MonoDevelop with JavaScript to make video games and I’m not to sure if it is right for HTML. Thanks

  5. glennglog22 says:

    a nice ripoff of firefox

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