Photoshop Tutorial – Glamour Shot Effect

Photoshop Tutorial - Glamour Shot Effect

A quick and easy way to create the ‘glamour shot’ or ‘soft focus’ effect. Make your videos POP with Videoblocks. FREE 7 day trial! Click the link NOW! http:/…

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23 responses to “Photoshop Tutorial – Glamour Shot Effect”

  1. Helen Fieledton says:

    There is a better effect you can get using the special effects guide on with some better tricks

  2. xoulepos says:

    this is the pornstar glamour effect

  3. mcmlamo says:

    From a pro: don’t ever use this effect if you don’t want to be laughed at by more experienced users.

  4. edgar jurado says:

    what was that.

  5. Avigami651 says:

    I worked at Glamour Shots before. I was the photo retoucher and yes we do some amount of blur but we also brighten eyes and teeth, remove any imperfections, and then we added a kodak digital gem filter which is more similar to a very soft surface blur. For me the whole retouching process only took 15 minutes or less per photo. I also had to work with customers a lot more worse looking than the 3rd girl you showed in this video.

  6. Mustafa Sandıkçı says:

    I felt like i’m in a plane.. Sounds like a pilot 😀

  7. BLAZE45 says:

    haa ok lol 

  8. DancingSpiderman says:

    My take-away is that some women should just install a 100% gaussian fliter in front of their face

  9. DancingSpiderman says:

    Sounds like KipKay… working on touching up porn shots BWAAHahaha

  10. Gregg Styles says:

    thats just how we think

  11. AnnaJoan says:

    It’s called research.

  12. Peter Stark says:

    “there ya go”, you got a blurry photo? Waste of time!

  13. Marcio Bastos says:

    U either learning PS or u r just a funny boy!!!

  14. Ильхам Садыхов says:


  15. robert thompson says:

    I don’t know what looks good to you but, you have destoryed the best of the photos with bluring. Stop it!!!

  16. rvizcarr says:

    Too funny

  17. hwy419 says:

    priceless sir!

  18. MQfilms says:

    this is comedy, beyond awesome, voted

  19. RockMySelfie says:

    RockMySelfieCom is looking for talented digital artists.

  20. b061253 says:

    100% opacity on the last photo! It didn’t sink in at first- pretty funny. Much of the problems with typical Ps tutes is that they proceed way TOO fast. Give people a chance to cue in on the visual distinctions!

  21. Lu Kago says:

    3rd photo comedy gold lol

  22. MrMoloch001 says:

    Why didn’t the guy just delete the third photo?

  23. mrboombasticx says:

    LOLOLOL This was messed up.

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