Photoshop Tutorial – Glamour Shot Effect

A quick and easy way to create the ‘glamour shot’ or ‘soft focus’ effect. Make your videos POP with Videoblocks. FREE 7 day trial! Click the link NOW! http:/…
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Video tutorial posted 11/10/13
Category: Photoshop Tutorials

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- offers the web's best Photoshop tutorials, Illustrator video guides, CSS and HTML tutorials and much more all in one place. With new videos being added every day, you can learn how to master software and code to give your images and website some great effects.
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There is a better effect you can get using the special effects guide on with some better tricks
this is the pornstar glamour effect
From a pro: don’t ever use this effect if you don’t want to be laughed at by more experienced users.
what was that.
I worked at Glamour Shots before. I was the photo retoucher and yes we do some amount of blur but we also brighten eyes and teeth, remove any imperfections, and then we added a kodak digital gem filter which is more similar to a very soft surface blur. For me the whole retouching process only took 15 minutes or less per photo. I also had to work with customers a lot more worse looking than the 3rd girl you showed in this video.
I felt like i’m in a plane.. Sounds like a pilot 😀
haa ok lol
My take-away is that some women should just install a 100% gaussian fliter in front of their face
Sounds like KipKay… working on touching up porn shots BWAAHahaha
thats just how we think
It’s called research.
“there ya go”, you got a blurry photo? Waste of time!
U either learning PS or u r just a funny boy!!!
I don’t know what looks good to you but, you have destoryed the best of the photos with bluring. Stop it!!!
Too funny
priceless sir!
this is comedy, beyond awesome, voted
RockMySelfieCom is looking for talented digital artists.
100% opacity on the last photo! It didn’t sink in at first- pretty funny. Much of the problems with typical Ps tutes is that they proceed way TOO fast. Give people a chance to cue in on the visual distinctions!
3rd photo comedy gold lol
Why didn’t the guy just delete the third photo?
LOLOLOL This was messed up.