Tutorial Adobe Photoshop CS6: Long Shadow | Sifoo.com

Tutorial Adobe Photoshop CS6: Long Shadow | Sifoo.com

Tutorial Adobe Photoshop CS6: Long Shadow | Sifoo.com http://www.sifoo.com.
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6 responses to “Tutorial Adobe Photoshop CS6: Long Shadow | Sifoo.com”

  1. Sifoo.com says:

    tengok iklan astro bebaru ni. diorang guna teknik long shadow.

  2. Fazley Permizi says:

    long shadow nie sesuai kita gunakan untuk artwork mcm mn ek?

  3. Nicolás Rasilla says:

    Hola! Yo tengo el PS CS6, pero no me aparece la ventana “3D”. ¿Conoce el problema o la solución? Gracias.

  4. ZULfadli TUAn says:

    Bro hafiz ke nie??

  5. russophobbia says:


  6. Mohammed Ali says:

    Really great thanks so much

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