3ds Max Car Modeling Tutorial

Modeling a Classic Car in 3ds Max. This tutorial will teach you how. Go to my website for detailed written tutorials that will show you step by step how to m…
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Video tutorial posted 18/11/13
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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I Ws about to ask the same. Now I know it ! I like it a lot, thanks !!
would be awesome if u could do a voice over
સાગર ભાઈ મારે તમારું તોડું કામ છે તો મને તમારો નમ્બર આપો અથવા મારો નમ્બર
મારો નમ્બર ૦૯૮૯૮૧૫૪૧૯૪ છે
thanks man a mate of mine is making a life game and this helped me out
making the cars
GREAT Job!! Keep Giving Us These AWESOME Tutorials They Cut The Learning
Curve In Half!! Thanks so much!!!
Add a Shell modifier so you can get mesh on the inside. Go easy on the
Already have the Tire modeling video on my channel. Check my website for
the detailed written tutorials, with a few more to come.
thanks, im waiting your new videos.
U are a true graphic designer!!!!…Awesome video!!!!…thsnks/……
This is a still render of the car. All pieces are separated as Elements or
Objects with their own names. Check my video on 3ds Max Tire Modeling. As
for Rigging and Animation, I don’t have a vehicle tutorial on that just
yet. Check the 3ds Max HELP for Rigging.
nice tutorial. simple and straight forward!!!!
song name pleasse
TBYtutorials can you post a vid on how to model a gun and what are the keys
to do that
wow so simple. thank you! 🙂
can you make video for modeling Lamborghini Aventador LP760-4 ??
Thanks! this actually helped me alot!
Ya maybe. Something a little more advanced I will get to eventually.