After Effects Tutorial: Using the Rotobrush Tool

After Effects Tutorial: Using the Rotobrush Tool

In this tutorial I will show you the basics of the Rotobrush tool in After Effects CS6. It’s a really powerful and useful tool, so I hope that this helps you…

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6 responses to “After Effects Tutorial: Using the Rotobrush Tool”

  1. Gabriel Guarany says:

    THANKS A LOT!!!!

  2. melbelu says:

    i love you,
    this is the video i was looking for! im ultra new in this stuff and i needed explanations from 0!

    thanks! like like!

  3. Велимир Бата Живојиновић says:

    thanks mate, very useful.

  4. nate ill says:

    very simple and strait forward man!

  5. Mawadif says:

    Thank you so much!

  6. Myles Messinetti says:

    Thanks Man Great Video super easy to follow and understand!

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