Green Screen Tutorial-How to Chroma Key iMovie 09′

Green Screen Tutorial-How to  Chroma Key iMovie 09'

A great video coming the best way to green screen. What to buy, how to set up your green screen, and how to croma key! Hope you all enjoy this great tutorial…
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20 responses to “Green Screen Tutorial-How to Chroma Key iMovie 09′”

  1. qlirim kurtaj says:

    how to get this imvie please help

  2. djrock224 says:

    no it had to be green

  3. Camden Carter says:

    it can be blue

  4. Gabriel Clifft says:

    Awesome! Does it have to be green, or can it be blue?

  5. asd says:

    Thanks it really helped

  6. Dixie Nyle says:

    @missesglitter101 there is ha

  7. FilmCraft Productions™ says:

    @missesglitter101 iMovie 11 does

  8. MrMederek says:

    check out my page and let me know what yall think, thanks.

  9. fridisen95 says:

    The right guy looks like the man who made “no more school”.

  10. nokal789 says:

    dr.lektroluv has a problem….

  11. Tim-J.Swan says:

    that shirt was cloaked…

  12. Mspreciousmarie says:

    This was so helpful! I did not know imovie had that 🙂 Thanks a lot!

  13. Norway VFX says:

    Lots of free green screen explosions on my channel. Made them myself with
    fumefx and if you use them you don’t even have to credit me 😉

  14. Robin Sandhu says:

    @missesglitter101 There is in imovie 11

  15. tomstrat1 says:

    Thanks so much. This will help a lot. 🙂

  16. h2o274 says:

    hehe 2:10 i guess that’s how harry potter’s invisibility cloak works….

  17. missesglitter101 says:


  18. missesglitter101 says:

    @CoreVerseInc Thanks=)

  19. Chris Baxter says:

    My imovie doesnt have green screen? Would you know why?

  20. missesglitter101 says:

    @TheChippy575 ooooooooo

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