How To Design a Website in Adobe Fireworks CS6 – Infinitevizionz

How To Design a Website in Adobe Fireworks CS6  - Infinitevizionz

Hi Guys, This is part two. I have explain how to design a website in fireworks in details. adobe fireworks, dreamweaver, xhtml/css, photoshop, tutorials, web…
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19 responses to “How To Design a Website in Adobe Fireworks CS6 – Infinitevizionz”

  1. OnlyJayPlays says:

    “Most people are still using Windows XP” Lol wut..

  2. Ted G says:

    how does this become an html file? where does the html and css come in?

  3. mafiafattony says:

    Sweet video man, thanks! Subscribed!
    I’m new to Fireworks, so if you can like also give random “tips” if you will on shortcuts that’d be cool 🙂

  4. rjrayburn says:

    Great tutorial! I’m learning so I will be following. Thanks!

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  7. Vishal Bhatt says:

    Thanks very helpful. But can you show us, how to export to html file and place it in the web hosting server and what if the client need to update the website and again pasting files to hosting server.

    Thanks again.

  8. Fszeker says:

    Keep in Mind that it’s about screen resolution and most people are using widescreens already.

  9. 5mintuts says:

    I had a bad cold. I still did this as someone requested. My apologies for the click sounds. I will try to bear that in mind when i make another tutorial.

    Thank you for pointing it out,

  10. 5mintuts says:

    hehe. I know but You will always have the some who are afraid of changes.

  11. 5mintuts says:

    Thanks ;)

  12. RadarDurden99 says:

    your clicks on the mouse and nasal and mouth sounds are grating. I stopped watching even though I wanted to see the end

  13. Benard Christiano says:

    the only thing that you dint show is how to come up with the computer pictures

  14. Benard Christiano says:

    This is really cool man

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  16. 5mintuts says:


  17. rthrhhggh says:

    yeah u r great

  18. Glen Petersen says:

    People need to update. Times are changing 😛

  19. 5mintuts says:

    You are welcome.

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