How to use the WordPress plugin Duplicator – updated version – Tutorial

How to use the WordPress plugin Duplicator - updated version - Tutorial

I have created this video tutorial on how to use Duplicator. If you have issues with something not working then do check the support forum or the Faq. Links …

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19 responses to “How to use the WordPress plugin Duplicator – updated version – Tutorial”

  1. Reg B. says:

    Nice work pal. Appreciated. And boohoo to the 1 thumbs down. 

  2. Yacine Baroudi says:

    Thanks a bunch for this video Paal! Very very helpful.

  3. TheExplodingBit says:

    This was extremely helpful. Thank you!

  4. Michael Whenham says:

    Thanks for the tutorial…been a painful switch from Dreamweaver…now
    another challenge hopefully made easier with this information.

  5. Evelyn Doyle says:

    I really appreciate you making and uploading this video! WordPress ‘help’
    files weren’t actually helpful at all, to a layman. Having your video to
    reference as I moved my local WP site to my host (to overwrite my much
    crappier WP site), was a fantastic help. I don’t think I could have done it

  6. Paul Stevens says:

    Great tutorial. I followed it and worked like a charm! Easy WP transfer
    from one domain to another. Thank you!!!

  7. GeekDownload says:

    Thank you a bunch

  8. Thaís Giacomini says:

    thank you!

  9. Zaldy Ortega says:

    Nice Paal!

  10. Paal Joachim Romdahl says:

    Cory the developer told me this: “They can just create a new package or if
    they must use an older package then they can look in the wp-snapshots
    folder for the older package and associated installer…” See if that works
    for you.

  11. Alejandro Luisi says:

    Hi Paal. I updated duplicator plugin a few days ago. Now i have a trouble
    with a huge portfolio and i need use the package to restore the web, buy i
    can´t because Duplicator said that the package was made with a previous
    version! Can you help me? Thanx in advance!

  12. Prickly Pincushion says:

    Thank you. I followed your instructions and everything worked out fine,
    much better than if I just followed their FAQ alone.

  13. TessaGallant says:

    Followed instructions and it worked perfectly! Thank you Paal.

  14. tasmania027 says:

    Thank you so much for all your help! Worked like a charm!

  15. MrTattoonearme says:

    every time i finish the installer i get this error… failed to open
    stream: No such file or directory in
    on line 53

  16. John Moriarty says:

    great idea but I got this when I tried the installer.php : Parse error:
    syntax error, unexpected T_STATIC, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION
    or T_VAR or ‘}’ in
    /homepages/34/d215282124/htdocs/johnmoriartymusic/installer.php on line 170

  17. Paal Joachim Romdahl says:

    When you pack up a site with Duplicator and transfer it anywhere one needs
    to create a new database for the new site. This means one needs to go to
    the Cpanel for the new location/domain and there create a new database
    which will then be used for the new site installation/deployment.

  18. empchamsig says:

    I have just done all the above. It works exept for 1 thing. It did not
    install the index.php file! So the site wont work 🙁 Any idea why it is not
    doing that? using wamp and hosting on

  19. John Moriarty says:

    ok, thank you

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