Photoshop tutorial: Lomo effect. Quick n’ easy [HD]

Photoshop tutorial: Lomo effect. Quick n' easy [HD]

in this tutorial, i show you how to create the lomo or lomography effect in photoshop. If you have any suggestions on further tutorials, let me know in a PM …

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20 responses to “Photoshop tutorial: Lomo effect. Quick n’ easy [HD]”

  1. 2020ErA says:

    @japockx are u a guy or a girl? lol

  2. japockx says:

    im a guy..

  3. kooker cliuto says:

    this isnt the lomoo effect

  4. 2020ErA says:

    @Megasromanos nada with the red.

  5. giannism312 says:

    i hate tutorials with kids

  6. eksbokz says:

    @giannism312 kids? he is 15.

  7. destinyscayin says:

    that was quick but very informative. good stuff. thanks!

  8. Daniel Lee says:

    I like how you copied tutvid EXACLTY like how he did it 😉

  9. AugustRae85 says:

    I realy enjoyed this tutorial…It was right to the point! Out of all of
    lomo effect tutorials I’ve looked at this one was the most efficient!

  10. Matthew Dalton says:

    Hahaha @2020ErA and japockx Sorry man, but that conversation is hilarious!

  11. 2020ErA says:

    @japockx hey dude, i’m gonna make a flickr account so i can post my pics up
    there, so u can check em out 😀

  12. Maurice Lee says:

    Hey thanks for the tutorial! Worked great!

  13. Emotronix says:


  14. 2020ErA says:

    sry bro, ill pass on that one

  15. Pebbles Flintstone says:

    thank you SO much!

  16. Gastón Nieto says:

    Very nice

  17. japockx says:

    your tutorial is good…do u hav ah facebook can i now your facebook id i
    wanna c ur pix thanx

  18. japockx says:

    ok thanx no prob…take care

  19. Gilbert Gabriel says:

    Thank you! 🙂

  20. Wayne Beeston says:

    great tutorial cheers 🙂

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