RCT3 FIREWORKS TUTORIAL 2 (particle variables)

RCT3 FIREWORKS TUTORIAL 2 (particle variables)

A tutorial on what each of the variables do, in the designer box.
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13 responses to “RCT3 FIREWORKS TUTORIAL 2 (particle variables)”

  1. gas hole says:

    Davie499:can u do a tutorial on how to improve the looks of the fireworks
    by using stretch…because I’ve noticed that you used it too make the
    default fireworks.

  2. Isaiah Turner says:

    Im having troble getting to that how do you get to it?

  3. ShannenGonzales360 says:

    0:10 – 0:17 I really trust in you because you’re the only channel have
    tutorial about making a fireworks btw thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  4. psycho48elle says:

    i have the wild expansion but not the soaked one and i when i open the
    design box all i get is particle life and color modifier 🙁

  5. BramForYou says:

    thx those tutorials are really helpfull!

  6. Showchateau says:

    hello, I am french and i love your vidéos… but i have a problem, i don’t
    understand very well, because i am very bad at english…. so, can you
    please translte yours vidéos for french fans. Thx so mach…

  7. TheWWEFan896 says:

    I have RCT3 Platinum, and I don’t know if I can do custom fireworks, please

  8. gd93874 says:

    at 1:23 how do you scroll so fast

  9. flyingfish555 says:

    Is it somehow possible to access the timecode for fireworks displays
    outside of the game? I went into the display files using wordpad and it
    just looks like a bunch of gibberish. I am thinking of using this game to
    simulate an actual display for my local pyro guild’s consumer fireworks
    competitions this summer. I can extract the timecode with a pencil and
    paper if necessary but dang that would be tedious! In the end I may end up
    just buying Finale Fireworks.

  10. Ben Tedrowe says:

    thanks for this when i opened the dialog box thing i clueless on what to
    do. your tutorials help allot and make RCT3 more fun

  11. TheCrisandairtwins says:

    @Mrisaiahturner1 Click on a guest and name them “Guido Fawkes”

  12. davie499 says:

    @TheWWEFan896 If you can open the editor you can do it. see tutorial 1.

  13. davie499 says:

    click on number, hold, drag up/down

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