After Effects Tutorial – Keyframes & Interpolation

After Effects Tutorial - Keyframes & Interpolation

Covers the basics of keyframe animation, easy ease keyframes, and different interpolation methods.
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22 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – Keyframes & Interpolation”

  1. IJoshFTW says:

    Is there a way to change the intensity of ‘easing’. For example, if you
    want the easing to take longer or shorter.

  2. Mike Brown says:

    Great tutorial. Better than the paid After Effects tutorials from Lynda dot

  3. davie simracer says:

    thanks for taking the time to help out others…..

  4. robochao1 says:


  5. powpowpictures says:

    Thanks dude. Great beginners video.

  6. Mohamed Zeini says:

    i make like after watch the video .. i’m Egyptian and i love your Tutorial
    thanks a lot

  7. Touseef Ashfaq says:


  8. Game2Genius says:

    Using After Effects for a few months now… I swear my new projects are a
    million times better thanks to your tuts

  9. StreamKoinonia says:

    Dan, What screen capture software do you recommend? Need to do something
    like this for volunteers at our church for those wanting to learn our new
    lighting system (Jand’sVista)

  10. rosa cobos says:

    This is really great, Dan. Really helpful. I have already told it, but I
    would love to know a tip for making the animation go much slower without
    having to alter the length of time. Is that possible? I love slow motion
    movement in many cases. Thanks in advance. Greetings from Bilbao, Spain.

  11. Underpass Productions says:

    I’ve been waiting for your tutorials for a long time… Thanks for posting

  12. Ben Israel says:

    Fantastic tutorial, Dan. Best of the best. Thanks for the thorough
    explanations. One question: how do you export an animation with a
    transparent background so you can take that .mov file into Final Cut and
    lay it over video. I’ve had difficulty with that.

  13. mtlrckr951 says:

    Thank you, this tutorial helped alot! Subscribed!

  14. Daniel Bondas says:


  15. JaeGee24 says:

    Hello sir. I dont know if you have done it already but could you please
    upload a tutorial on how to make your intro. Looks really really good.
    thanks 🙂

  16. Sergio Urra says:

    Excellent tutorial. Thank you.

  17. Elizabeth James says:

    fantastic, well done and explained. Can you mention how to put this on a
    clear background? I teach toicology and want to do some animations with
    chemicals but would like to bring them in to a greenscreened movie. So need
    to remove the background. Thanks for the information.

  18. Dovile Gabriele Mockute says:

    love your parrot at the background. Think she agrees with what you’re

  19. boogy81869 says:

    How to you pause between a keyframe then continue the motion after a
    second? I’m trying to accomplish the ken burns effect but the keyframes
    never pause they continue

  20. Asa Bolden says:

    How do you animate it to be curved?

  21. Aslı Bircan says:

    very very good tutorial, extremly clear and not boring at all, thank you!!!!

  22. GraphicalCentre says:

    You could just precompose everything you have made so far. Then add Linear
    Color Key (From the Effects & Presets inside of After Effects) or Keylight
    1.2 and set the Key Color to the color of the actual background you want to

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