C# Programming Tutorial #1 – Basic Formatting

Hello and welcome to the next series in our programming tutorials. This time, Java’s younger sister C# is up to bat. This programming language was designed w…
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Video tutorial posted 12/12/13
Category: C# Tutorials
Tags: basic, Formatting, Programming, Tutorial

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Wow, such a ripoff of Java.. but, Java is still better.
Finally, someone realizes that # doesnt mean “hashtag” theres no such thing
as hashtag stupid twitter.
c# is a ton like c++
Coming from Java to c# is gonna be great.
Microcode is not for programming software as in these tutorials. Microcode
is designed to function on a hardware level and tell each of the individual
components in a computer how to act when given binary code. Binary is still
the lowest level of code that a computer can interpret for the purposes of
information that is stored on the hard drive.
you are wrong the lowest level that you can program is micro code.
you might as well learn batch files because they are sooo basic.
hexadecimal input still requires machine conversion.
Choose Desktop (cd icon)
the link is in the discription, windows updated the site, but just go to
the desktop visual studios version, its C++ and C# as far as i know..
Yep. Pretty much.
your not even close listen to the man teaching as he is way more informed
than yourself
if you’d like some proof of my claims, i’d be more than happy to refer you
to some websites about machine coding which is assembly without the
assembler… or binary… de-facto
Agreed. This is the way data is stored on devices such as Hard Drives,
CD-Roms, and Blurays. Even digital memory such as jump drives and SSDs
store information in 1s and 0s or charge and no charge.
Thanks for the video, ive fallen off my programming after not working on it
for a while, so i had to look for material just to make sure i remembered
everything. Gave you a thumbs up :D!
If that’s your opinion, you’re welcome to have it. but don’t try to bring
me or my subscribers down when you obviously don’t know what you’re talking
I liked that soooooooo much by 1:01 that I subscribed…
would i be a good idea to learn C# before C++?
when you say higher level, does this also mean harder to learn?
PWNED ;D lolin lol of lollien
hack this site 😛
is there a tutorial out there for c# for an absolute beginner?