HTML Tables Tutorial – Part 1

HTML Tables Tutorial - Part 1

Tables! In this two-part lesson I introduce you to the table, th, td, and tr tags. Feel free to rate, comment, and subscribe! bada-ba-ba-ba! I’m lovin’ it!
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15 responses to “HTML Tables Tutorial – Part 1”

  1. Daniel Marks says:

    what program are you using

  2. Jim East says:

    Have you talked to a Ferengi about that?

  3. Jim East says:

    I was just talking to god the other day and he said “don’t worry about it,
    it’s not your problem”.

  4. Aira Manalo says:

    hehe. starting a tutorial with a philosophical question. weird. but thats
    cool 😀

  5. rhiotronics says:

    great vid. very helpful to a hardware guy. i believe consciousness
    certainly exists beyond life. perhaps life is of worth to consciousness.
    for comic value. or as some sort of pan-dimensional currency.

  6. chris kissoon says:

    anyone this they can help me my table i made when i embed a video it
    stretches the left and the right of the side columns any help would be

  7. LGAGAFAN21 says:

    Thank you soo much! I’m taking a Web design Class and, can’t drop it, my
    proffesor is nice but she didn’t explain it like this, I have an exam on
    tables tomorrow (wish me luck) thank you! xoxoxo

  8. Dragos C says:

    That’s a sick intro!!! Which editing program did you use to create the
    intro? Great tutorial!

  9. RioMadMan says:

    Great tut. Thanks.

  10. HungryAkos says:

    Worth is a human concept.

  11. rhiotronics says:

    or maybe, our lives are their words. our words have certainly become our
    own lives in many ways.

  12. Gfuckingmaniak says:

    my personal answer to your question: no.

  13. tony hoss says:

    very clear great tutorial

  14. tony hoss says:


  15. Michael Edwards says:

    Very clear ;] thanks for this!

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