Learn Lightroom 5 – Part 2: Tools (Training Tutorial)

This is the second video in the “Learn Lightroom 5 Training Tutorial” series brought to you by: http://AnthonyMorganti.com In this video we go over the tools…
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Video tutorial posted 21/12/13
Category: Lightroom Tutorials

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Thank you for watching +sohail fartaj !
Thank you Renee Aubuchon. Very much appreciated!
Very helpful thank you
I just bought lightroom today and these are great , thanks
Anthony, you have no idea how helpful your vids are! I have been shooting
with my D7000 for almost 2 years and I have over 15K of non edited photos
in RAW format. After watching a few of your videos I went back into my
archive and picked the most random non artistic pic and edited it in LR. it
turned into a masterpiece compared to my most artistic shot. Thank you so
Thanks for the great vidios on lightroom5
It would be awesome if you provided download links for before/after
editing. Awesome tutorials btw
Hey Anthony, just picked up LR5 for a steal earlier this week. I’m moving
from PSE, and just in watching your first two videos I’m very excited to
get started. The workflow and interface of LR5 are more appealing to me,
and since I shoot RAW it seems I’ll have greater control with LR. You’re
videos have reduced the intimidation factor, so thank you. Looking forward
to watching them all as I progress. Happy Holidays!
I love all your videos! I just picked up Lightroom, and even though I have
intermediate experience with Photoshop, I found the whole experience
overwhelming. Next step, shooting in RAW! Thanks for all the info, Anthony!
sorry i mean great work
I just subscribed to Creative Cloud and these videos are very helpful.
Thank you very much.
awesome stuff
Can you change the color of the grid lines so that you can see them better?
Just found your video tutorials, must say that I find them extremely well
done and easy to understand and listen to. Being in my late fifty’s I find
many sites a bit too techy. This is just what I needed. Thanks
I prefer to use the mouse wheel to change the size of the brush.
Master Class! Thank you so very much, man!!!
Cheers from Brazil
You’re welcome Lance and thank you for watching!
thank you for sharing
Thank you so much! I really appreciate you watching and your support!
you are one of my great teacher in online ….. .. .. Great stuff
Not watching… Studying LOL I have such lil experience with Adobe LR that
I have watched some of the vids a couple times each