Adobe Illustrator masking tutorial

Adobe Illustrator masking tutorial

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10 responses to “Adobe Illustrator masking tutorial”

  1. Famonameio says:

    This should be done in Photoshop. There is no need for a raster image
    processing in Illustrator unless you are creating vector are from it, which
    didn’t occur in this video.

  2. llerbero says:

    no sound but im a illustrator expert and i didnt know about this!!! (i
    learned by myself) thanks!!

  3. Damienpn says:


  4. TacoChellz says:

    Good to know, thanks.

  5. JustK8 says:

    people who NEED sound… gosh. Background music is not the point of the
    video anyway, so rethink what you’re looking for in a video.

  6. Famonameio says:

    dang Lion, always correcting my text.

  7. Freddy Audureau says:

    Just listen to music.

  8. slashtherogue says:

    lol, you need a sound for this?

  9. J Abbey says:

    Tutorial? looks like just a video with you moving a cursor around ,no
    sound. .Fail , That Was horrible! Why did you bother wasting people’s time?

  10. YO MAME says:

    this is horrrible!!! why did u post it!!

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