After Effects Beginner Tutorial: Guru Lesson 5 (Bluescreen keying and nested compositions)

After Effects Beginner Tutorial: Guru Lesson 5 (Bluescreen keying and nested compositions)

This lesson gives you an intro to blue-screen or green-screen keying. You also learn how to work with different compositions and nesting composition as preco…
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11 responses to “After Effects Beginner Tutorial: Guru Lesson 5 (Bluescreen keying and nested compositions)”

  1. says:

    Hi NexonDigital, we may add more lessons in the future, but for now its the
    last one.

  2. NexonDigital says:

    really good tutorials, Hi, is this the last lesson in the guru lesson
    series? i need a reply, As soon as you can. Thanks

  3. Project4D says:

    great tutorial Mathias 🙂

  4. Vicky j.b says:

    Man i love your Tut and your accent seem to be very humble man…one
    quick question do you edit in ppro or fcp…if ppro do you have and tut on

  5. says:

    I don’t know anything about Eran’s update plans, but I think there are not
    too many changes from CS5 to 6 such that it will still be very helpful.

  6. says:

    It all depends on the quality of your screen and lighting and how you set
    the parameters of keylight. If nothing else works, you need to play with
    clip black and clip white parameters.

  7. says:

    @begalooloo: Yes, I edit in Premiere Pro, except for the tutorials which I
    normally edit directly in Camtasia. I don’t know any free Premiere
    tutorials, but my friend Eran Stern has a very good training called “The
    Best of Premiere Pro”.

  8. TyrianFilms says:

    thank youu!

  9. Grabsno says:

    When i do the thing with keylight, I’m a little bit transparent too.. What
    should I do? I use CS6

  10. Sirwan Barzigar says:

    Thanks forthis great video:)

  11. says:

    Yes, currently 5 lessons are online, but we will add more over time. If you
    look for advanced tutorials, you find more than 50 of them on mamoworld.

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