C# Tutorial 57: TextBox which accepts only numbers in C#

C# Tutorial 57: TextBox which accepts only numbers in C#

c# – How do I make a textbox that only accepts numbers? c# – How do I generate a textbox that only accepts numbers? Allow user to only enter numbers in textb…
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4 responses to “C# Tutorial 57: TextBox which accepts only numbers in C#”

  1. avi12 says:

    I was looking for this so much time. *Subscribed*

  2. Zerocool211 says:

    If Anyone is wondering how to make it possible to enter a period like 1.70
    then add && ch != 46 to the if statement after the ch != 8. I had to do
    this for the program i am making.

  3. Mikail Lim says:

    hii.. why you can using DateTimePicker ? it simple 😀

  4. Nick Vielbig says:

    Thank you, I think this could come in handy. Although, restricting key
    strokes is something to stay away from if possible, yeah?

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