How to vector anime with Illustrator CS3 (1 of 5)

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Video tutorial posted 13/01/14
Category: Illustrator Tutorials
Tags: Anime, Illustrator, Vector

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They’re not missing, just replaced. I know it can be hard but just find out
the name of the tool he’s using in the video and try to find a video about
someone using that tool in CC. I had to do this several times on other
videos 😛
I’m using CC and many stuff is missing from what I would expect
hey! this tutorial was amazing! but i have a question… whats the anime
called? hehe
Name of the song? please
first useful thing I’ve learned from 4chan xD thx
Paul Keeley; good musical taste. Nice video too.
@spooksmagee got a tutorial using Inkscape?
Great video. Is there a link to the image you were using?
the tutorial was great i hope you did some zooming in the video since i
really want to learn alot from vectoring. tnx.
Don’t have it anymore, my HDD bit the dust awhile back and I lost it. Sorry!
may I ask what vectoring thing you’re using? like what program and where I
can get it?
@izawa20 Not that I know of. The pixel count doesn’t change when you
enlarge an image, so the blurriness will always be there.
nice thx 🙂
@spooksmagee thaaaankk you!
why don’t you do the difficult one, that’s the problem. I want to find a
tutorial that will show me how to work with a fucked up image, not a
perfectly clear one.
could this work with photoshop cs4?
I have a sudden urge to watch Bakemonogatari again…
@animelover3979 bakemonogatari
OMG Thank You for making this! Helped me out SO much! 100 Thumbs up!
@strangeboy21 The finished product, or the original screenshot?
Thanks very much for this tutorials! Really well explained and with an
awesome result. Few people does that just for sharing knowledge. Do you
have any DA, galleries, msn? :3
@justaquietperson I’ve been thinking about setting up a deviant art page,
just never got around to it. Maybe in the future.
@bezlanoi92 I’d actually like to see that too.
@spooksmagee ok so i will need adobe illustrator, well thanks for letting
me know 😀