Lightroom Retouching Tutorial: Create Amazing Sunsets – PLP#74

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Video tutorial posted 25/01/14
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Merci !
Thanks for sharing why you chose the settings, those are really helpful in
addition to the lightroom tips!
New Free Tutorial: Create Amazing Sunsets in Lightroom!
been following your tutorials recently…love them alot!! Keep It UP!!!
Serge, your horizons are always off. Nice stuff though.
don’t even have sun here in sweden :<
Thank’s for yor tutorial!!!!
Thanks Serge, great work!
I can’t insert my jpg file to lightroom 5 just NEF .help plz
Thank you for spending your time, I really love your artwork.
Super, thank you!
Love you tutorials. Keep it up.
Let the magic begin, Thanks Serge, its working now
Entered! :)
I’m not at home to check, but I think you can open the shadows on the
gradient to help w the dark clouds.
Add plz Russian subtitles for all videos. Thnx. Great tutorials!
“Perfect to put on 500px and become famous” :’)
hey serge
you are the best
can you show me how to cleaning camera sensor and lens from the dust
cause i have this problem !
Serge, wonderful tutorial as usual. Much thanks for doing it for us.
Question: What is the dead line to submit the photos for the contest?
Omg I can’t stand it you are so funny!!! HAHA
Amazing video Serge!
i really like the way you manipulation light,,i always watch your tutorial
everyday its fantastic,,,i can watch it 8 times everyday and i am not get are amazing man..
Come to Boston. Its a good spot :)
Hey Serge (or anyone else with an answer), you seem to crop most of your
photos with custom sizes towards a more panoramic look. When you go to
print those photos, won’t that cause a problem with dimensions? Do you
further crop to fit 8×10 or 11×14 or whatever? Or do you print that very
custom crop?
can i retouch your raw file for the competition