Lightroom Retouching Tutorial: Create Amazing Sunsets – PLP#74

Lightroom Retouching Tutorial: Create Amazing Sunsets - PLP#74

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25 responses to “Lightroom Retouching Tutorial: Create Amazing Sunsets – PLP#74”

  1. Serge Ramelli says:

    I’m having a sale on all my courses! Get 40% off by using the coupon
    “CHRISTMAS”. Click here to view the courses:

    Merci !

  2. Andy Chen says:

    Thanks for sharing why you chose the settings, those are really helpful in
    addition to the lightroom tips! 

  3. Serge Ramelli says:

    New Free Tutorial: Create Amazing Sunsets in Lightroom!

  4. Gonzalas Wong says:

    been following your tutorials recently…love them alot!! Keep It UP!!!

  5. Dave Casey says:

    Serge, your horizons are always off. Nice stuff though.

  6. lolsa123 says:

    don’t even have sun here in sweden :<

  7. Nikos Dzholas says:

    Thank’s for yor tutorial!!!!

  8. Roberto Binetti says:

    Thanks Serge, great work!

  9. Azooz Alqarni says:

    I can’t insert my jpg file to lightroom 5 just NEF .help plz

  10. Athip Seanglam says:

    Thank you for spending your time, I really love your artwork. 

  11. PhotoAzbuka says:

    Super, thank you!

  12. Arie Schwartzman says:

    Love you tutorials. Keep it up. 

  13. Jaco Steenekamp says:

    Let the magic begin, Thanks Serge, its working now

  14. Jan Henrik Hemsing says:

    Entered! :)

  15. chilehead craig says:

    I’m not at home to check, but I think you can open the shadows on the
    gradient to help w the dark clouds.

  16. MacVitRu says:

    Add plz Russian subtitles for all videos. Thnx. Great tutorials!

  17. sazopro says:

    “Perfect to put on 500px and become famous” :’)

  18. Mohammed Aleid says:

    hey serge
    you are the best
    can you show me how to cleaning camera sensor and lens from the dust
    cause i have this problem !

  19. obayed haque says:

    Serge, wonderful tutorial as usual. Much thanks for doing it for us.

    Question: What is the dead line to submit the photos for the contest?

  20. Sean Loh says:

    Omg I can’t stand it you are so funny!!! HAHA

  21. Mark Jarc says:

    Amazing video Serge!

  22. yulius werry says:

    i really like the way you manipulation light,,i always watch your tutorial
    everyday its fantastic,,,i can watch it 8 times everyday and i am not get are amazing man..

  23. George Murray says:

    Come to Boston. Its a good spot :)

  24. Rick Walter says:

    Hey Serge (or anyone else with an answer), you seem to crop most of your
    photos with custom sizes towards a more panoramic look. When you go to
    print those photos, won’t that cause a problem with dimensions? Do you
    further crop to fit 8×10 or 11×14 or whatever? Or do you print that very
    custom crop?

  25. Rahul Johny says:

    can i retouch your raw file for the competition

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