NEW iMovie 2013 – Maps (Tutorial)

NEW iMovie 2013 - Maps (Tutorial)

With an all‑new design, iMovie for Mac lets you enjoy your videos like never before. Browse your clips more easily, instantly share your favorite moments, an…

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6 responses to “NEW iMovie 2013 – Maps (Tutorial)”

  1. DRJ DanyRockJr says:

    Thank you for this tutorial.
    Do you know if it is possible to make a video effect that jumps like a poor
    picture reception on iMovie? (often used on After effect)
    A bit like the old retro effect used in the first version of iMovie,
    because we always have this effect with black lines, but more the fact that
    blew the image.
    Thank you in advance for your response.
    Kind regards,

  2. Ty Crable says:

    Very informative. Thanks for sharing. 

  3. Picomfunfan97 says:

    +DRJ DanyRockJr Oui! Yes you can. First click the “adjust” option on top of
    the video. Click the second to last button in the adjust panel. Click
    “video effects”. Then you can select which kind of retro you want. I
    recommend “aged film” 

  4. Green Vali says:

    Make a slow motion imovie tutorial

  5. Davius.12 productions says:

    Can you make stopMotion in the new imovie

  6. Anthony Sanna says:

    thanks for the help really appreciate the videos!!

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