Adobe After Effects Tutorial: Wiggle Effect/Camera Shake

Adobe After Effects Tutorial: Wiggle Effect/Camera Shake

Sup guys Just a little After Effects tutorial for you all 🙂 Its really simple and pretty effective for a cinematic or an intro to a montage/minitage etc. En…
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8 responses to “Adobe After Effects Tutorial: Wiggle Effect/Camera Shake”

  1. Beta B says:

    omg Megan Fox i love her

  2. Ana Monteiro says:

    Thanks for the tutorial, but I have a question: why do you create the Null
    Object? What does he do in this case? Could you apply the wiggle expression
    just to the camera layer?

  3. lLxJLxJl says:

    you forgot the angle camera shake, not just the x,y, but the angle

  4. zIIDCIIz says:

    great tut mate, helped me with good cinematics

  5. Andrew Doherty says:

    What you doing with your dazzle?

  6. Andrew Doherty says:

    @R4GEQsCliche look like dazzle quality

  7. R4GEHm says:

    I want you easycap, bro, so I can just record the clips im going to send to

  8. R4GEQsCliche says:

    @arusure I don’t have a dazzle ? If you’re on about my EasyCap, then I
    haven’t decided what to do with it 🙂 Qs,

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