Bubble Gum Pop – Adobe After Effects tutorial

Bubble Gum Pop - Adobe After Effects tutorial

Click to tweet? — http://clicktotweet.com/05GiN In this week’s quality after effects tutorial you’ll learn how to animate shape layers into a bubble gum bub…
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18 responses to “Bubble Gum Pop – Adobe After Effects tutorial”

  1. SPERM Edits says:

    Loves your 2D tutorials <3

  2. PanMotions says:

    So are you

  3. yourfunkydad says:

    I followed this tutorial and made this animation. It is on my channel. If
    you would check it out it would mean a lot. Thanks

  4. xsxseef says:

    u are the bestt!@#!@$!@#%#$^

  5. ahitscomplicated says:

    Omg, thank you so much for this!

  6. Cris isBliss says:

    As always, your tuts teach a lot

  7. BladyDesign says:


  8. Jack Casey Jr says:

    Sounds like Jordan aka captain sparklezz in minecraft…

  9. Philix Liu says:

    Evan, give my weekends back!!!

  10. Scott Daris says:

    Great teaching style. It’s like driving around the neighborhood just to get
    into the driveway. Thanks again.

  11. ECAbrams says:

    Can’t do it. I must feed on your time… I’m a time vampire.

  12. ECAbrams says:


  13. WilliamTheTop says:

    evan MORE MORE MORE epic tutorial!!

  14. ECAbrams says:

    No worries. Enjoy. I’m trying the “learn by doing” style where we’ll be
    learning many pricipals that have nothing to do with the specific content
    of what we’re making. Like wax on wax off teaches blocking to daniel san.

  15. The Optimist says:

    Keep it up 🙂

  16. PogoAndTiq says:

    I love it how u share so much tutorials with us! 😀

  17. Zer0Designs says:

    You really are everywhere

  18. Mia Amin says:

    very cute animation 🙂

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