Make a cool logo icon using rotate tool. Adobe Illustrator tutorial (HD!!)

Make a cool logo icon using rotate tool. Adobe Illustrator tutorial (HD!!)

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9 responses to “Make a cool logo icon using rotate tool. Adobe Illustrator tutorial (HD!!)”

  1. jlangkilde0068 says:

    The Tutorial was great!

  2. Mikhail N says:

    how di i make a logo like the adobe shorcuts with my initials??

  3. BonFire110 says:

    Great tutor! However that “Divide” thing was a little bit complicated 4 me,
    but I’ve tried and –finaly– it succeeded.

  4. yeahnobodycares says:

    Thanks for this awesome tutrial, this is exactly what I was looking for! 🙂

  5. IS0NAR says:

    Thank you very much!!!! I can really use it!!!. Great tutorial THX.

  6. RHEEEED says:

    Great tutorial.

  7. Rokas Rokas says:

    Draw a rectangle, fill it with desired gradient. Write two letters, right
    click -> Create Outlines, then place the letters where you want (you can
    also use Align to object option). Then select letters and fill them with
    gradients too. Later select the rectangle -> Effect -> Stylize -> Drop
    shadow. And you are done. Also, the quality could be better by adding
    strokes, masks and so on but this way is simplier.

  8. archal says:

    is there something wrong with my laptop? why is there no sound? i have no
    idea what tools you are using. huh? … just checked other videos work
    fine. why make a tutorial with no sound? wow. good effort though!

  9. lordzinth says:

    amazing bro…thanks

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