Part 12 – C# Tutorial – switch statement in c# continued

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Video tutorial posted 01/02/14
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your lessons are very helpful, thank you very much.
i’ve encountered an error in this example could you help please?
in the first question which i choose the coffee size, if i enter nothing
and press enter it gives an error and stops working. but i expect it to
write ” your choice is invalid”.
and also in the second question which asks do i want another coffee if i
press enter directly it says my choice is invalid. i couldn’t understand
the difference. i’ll be very happy if you can explain :)
thats very helpful thanks alot ^_^
Same here
Thank you
ok got it! thank u so much venkat, really helpful 🙂
Hi, i += 1 will evaluate to i = i + 1. Similarily i -= 1 will evaluate to i
= i -1. Hope this answers your question. Good luck. Please share the link
with your friends who you think would also benefit from them. If you like
these videos, please click on the THUMBS UP button below the video.
Thank you 🙂 Very good explanation
use int.Parse() as parse converts string to int.. and user i/p from
Console.ReadLine() is a string..
Thank You..I have been programming in C# for last few years but there is
always something new to learn in each of your video.
very helpful. thx
A lot of useful stuff in your videos. Thank you!
your start: position will be wrong then you probably put it above the first
defenition of your “int TotalCoffeeCost” value where you put it at 0
Thank you 🙂
Please explain a bit about the “+=” operator which is used here, i mean why
is it imp to use the + sign, can’t be just “=”??
Thank you very much for taking time to give feedback. I am really glad you
found these videos useful. If you want to receive email alerts, when new
videos are uploaded, please feel free to subscribe to my youtube channel.
May I ask you for a favour. I want these tutorials to be helpful for as
many people as possible. Please free to share the link with your friends
and family who you think would also benefit from them. If you like these
videos, please click on the THUMBS UP button below the video
program is perfect,,but i am facing problem at total bill amount… for
example,,,, if i purchase 2 medium coffee the bill amount will be 4..but i
am getting bill amount is 2 could plz help me here.
use while loops. use goto and your code goto hell. 😛
Thank you very much!
Hi, Your Video Tutorial was very Superb and Useful. I have a doubt While
getting Integer Value from User can i use Convert.ToInt32() is better or
Int.Parse() is Better??? In which Situation to use these both??? Thank U in
“Coffee Purchasing Program”… Brilliant!