Responsive WordPress Theme Tutorial – Part 1 – Create a Local Server and Install WordPress

Responsive WordPress Theme Tutorial - Part 1 - Create a Local Server and Install WordPress

In this part we create a local server using WAMP, install a fresh copy of WordPress and talk about some stuff here and there. Music: Licensed by: http://www….
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17 responses to “Responsive WordPress Theme Tutorial – Part 1 – Create a Local Server and Install WordPress”

  1. vishal parkash says:

    good job friend..

  2. Arun Kumar says:

    Awesome Tutorial.. Really helped me to start from the Scratch…. Thanks

  3. Farrukh Momin says:

    amazing job

  4. Michael U. says:

    Thanks You!

  5. artoxzehz says:

    Wow this by far the best tutorial about starting with your own theme! Just
    started but cant wait to begin with part2!! Thanks You so much Austin!!
    Keep it up please :)

  6. Matthew Sabin says:

    Hey! Awsome tutorials! Quick question. What’s the program you use when
    writing code?

  7. Banu Suryadi says:

    it’s good tutorial, but too old :p

    now i use wordpress 3.7, and this tutorial sometime not work

  8. Ron Wertz says:

    Austin, I have just finished watching your videos over a two day period and
    I would like to thank you for your time and knowledge. I found this
    tutorial very intuitive, especially since I come from a programming
    background (mostly AS3) that has no WordPress experience. I now feel very
    comfortable at offering theme development for a client. Thanks again,
    greatly appreciated!!!

  9. Jose Pablo says:

    Thanks men!! 

  10. David R says:

    Awesome possum!

  11. s0uth5tar says:

    When I am at my phpMyAdmin to create a database, I get a red No Privileges
    under Create database. Can anyone help me out please…

  12. Matte Josh says:

    marvelous Video and one more great tutorial. 😉 Enough respect to you and
    Train in background 🙂

  13. Mark McKnight says:

    Nearly a year on and I have just stumbled onto this series. Your approach
    in them is just right, I’ve watched about half of them before committing to
    going through the entire thing and trying it out. Thanks for taking what I
    imagine was a considerable amount of time to put together this resource.

  14. Donny Green says:

    I heard the train. Great video… looking forward to going through the rest
    of the tutorials.

  15. Fernando Polania says:

    Great tutorial.

  16. Fülöp Istvón says:

    I would recommend AMPPS instead of WAMP. For an advanced user Softaculous
    is of a tremendous help. 1 click install almost any script or library for
    free and you can change between PHP versions.

  17. Antonio Cano says:

    Its an Awful Media weekend marathon. These videos are great Austin, keep up
    the magnificent work. I went through this entire series from start to end.
    I also followed along doing the work through video 13. Now that I’m done
    watching the entire series, I’m starting all over to review what we’ve done
    through video 13 and continue the rest. You are awesome and I thank you.

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