Tutorial Illustrator – Halftones

Tutorial Illustrator - Halftones

Aprenda a criar o efeito de meio-tom de impressão reticulada no Illustrator. — Due to popular requests, I made this tutorial in ENGLISH here: http://www.yo…
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24 responses to “Tutorial Illustrator – Halftones”

  1. Darren Coles says:

    Nah, it’s fine 🙂

  2. Alejandro Alva says:

    De puta weba tu tutorial #Bigfail!

  3. Will Hadley says:

    sorry I wish i could understand though.

  4. janica63 says:

    why ?

  5. Jeannie Harris says:

    @ardilarenec Me too – try to get it translated to English

  6. AnnakiVEVO says:

    rule n’1 : when we are in youtube we always talk English !!!!

  7. Galdino Otten says:


  8. Alessandro Leite says:

    Brother, testa o plugin PHANTASM que tem este recurso de Halftone com
    extrema qualidade. Abraço.

  9. pax lux says:


  10. rudy erwin says:

    dude, i don’t understand what you’ve said. i understand by your screen
    activities. anyways, thx

  11. Leila Rangel says:

    obrigada por postar em português, apesar de falar/entender bem é legal
    saber os termos possíveis em português e até mesmo ter clareza no
    entendimento Valeu mesmo kra!

  12. Omar Ocampo says:


  13. Roban Woods says:

    i want to learn portuguese, obrigada!

  14. bruno raphael silva says:

    obrigado pelas as informações! valeu mesmo!

  15. Stupfell says:

    When describing try to hands off the mouse!

  16. AnnakiVEVO says:

    @jpfaraco I have nothing to add, I’m totally agree with you, your video
    seems good for not saying that you’re doing the wrong thing but alot of
    people can’t understand it that’s why I said that the tutorial should be in
    English so people can get it, and I think the idea of making an English
    version will be great !

  17. catchumpai says:

    Amigo, continua o teu bom trabalho e relatando em Português língua-mãe…
    grande abraço

  18. Rene C says:

    wish it was in English

  19. fetB says:

    why write an english title and then talk … well another language

  20. pax lux says:


  21. jess frasher says:

    hate when the title is english and the video isn’t

  22. david vinagre says:

    Viva Brasil!

  23. Kurt Michels says:

    oiiiiii aqui e daniel de rio de janeiro como faz pra desenhar uma
    lamburgini ? obg

  24. BrazilisPaco says:

    Is english international language? Sorry! Brazil speak PORTUGUESE.

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