3ds Max Football Model Tutorial

3ds Max  Football Model Tutorial

http://www.3dworld-wide.com 3ds Max Football Model – Beginners level. This is a very popular tutorial about creating a football from an Extended primitive an…
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22 responses to “3ds Max Football Model Tutorial”

  1. Will Harbison says:

    I’ve never needed to build a football but always thought it would be quite
    difficult. Thanks for showing that it isn’t.

  2. ciaunel x says:

    i got a question. can these models be inserted into games? I thought of
    makin a weapon and insert it into a game by replacing it with another
    already existing in the game:) please answer me. thanks, also its a
    helpfull tutorial

  3. Wendy Huther says:

    Thank you for your feedback!

  4. Tanel Tamsalu says:

    in american english its acctually soccer ball

  5. Wendy Huther says:

    Thank you very much for your feedback!!

  6. 05Jaw says:

    @tauno54 in normal english it’s football

  7. Joe Willians says:

    press ctrl + ??????????????’ min 5:09

  8. spidermarcus says:

    are you an AI, hun?

  9. Joe Willians says:

    ctrl+???????????????’ keybord?

  10. indra iskandar says:

    thank you – very hellp full

  11. Sander van Tienhoven says:

    Hi everybody, to make a long story short, i’m trying to make a game and i
    could use some help from moddelers, im juist a beginner join me if you want

  12. Wendy Huther says:

    Thank you for your feedback!

  13. Wendy Huther says:

    Thank you very much for your feed back!

  14. Wendy Huther says:

    CTRL I – ctrl i

  15. Chris Carey says:

    Hey great tutorial, simple and easy to follow, even learned a few new
    skills as well 🙂 will be watching more of ur vids.

  16. Wendy Huther says:

    Thank you very much for your feedback!!

  17. Wendy Huther says:

    @iBlurryFilms Thanks!

  18. Wendy Huther says:

    @ahmedaj2000 Thanks for your feedback, I’m pleased you liked it.

  19. Craig Casson says:

    Great tutorial. Best ive seen 🙂

  20. Wendy Huther says:

    Thank you very much for your feedback!

  21. Wendy Huther says:

    Thank you very much for your feedback!

  22. Sketch of Google+ says:

    Thank you for this very easy and user friendly.

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