Dreamweaver cs5 tutorial: Pure CSS Navigation Bar / Menu Bar

Dreamweaver cs5 tutorial: Pure CSS Navigation Bar / Menu Bar

Menu Bar that was done using just four css rules , It was complete in a breeze . This Tutorial shows you how to use background color as well as background Im…

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14 responses to “Dreamweaver cs5 tutorial: Pure CSS Navigation Bar / Menu Bar”

  1. Lisa Lewis says:

    Thanks so much!

  2. Jordan Ashelin says:

    MOHIT you are the MAN!!!! THANK YOU!!!

  3. Mohit Manuja says:

    great !

  4. Mohit Manuja says:

    @ashguy3000 being new if you could follow the process, its a good sign,
    Cool !

  5. notoriousproductions says:

    Thanks a lot, you were very helpful, and straight to the point.

  6. nahum galdamez says:

    finally a good blend between usefulness and simplicity .. thank you

  7. echojames18able says:

    Awhh, man! u the best! U, literally, crush Dreamweaver for me in ur tutes!
    Awsm! Thnx 😀

  8. Gpkumar Ganesh says:

    Thanks it is very useful for me.

  9. Aryaman Pratap Singh says:

    good 2 hear an indian accent.. 😀

  10. Thomasina Ives says:


  11. bteasley99 says:

    I think he said he did it in Adobe Fireworks. In photoshop there is a
    gradient tool. You simply create a new file (image) that is whatever pixels
    by whatever pixels in size. Then choose the gradient tool and say “go from
    the top of the image to the bottom and create a gradient of my selected
    color”. It then automatically goes from dark to lighter in a “gradient”

  12. Mohit Manuja says:

    @RoyalTee202 ur welcome!

  13. C. Yat says:

    very useful thanks a lot

  14. Lora Wise says:

    Thank you so much, navigation bar turned out better, thank you

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