Excel 2010 Tutorial 13 – Line Chart

Excel 2010 Tutorial 13 - Line Chart

http://www.schoolfreeware.com This tutorial covers most of the formatting of a line chart. The worksheet used in this tutorial can be downloaded for free at …

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3 responses to “Excel 2010 Tutorial 13 – Line Chart”

  1. Brno Colours says:

    amazing video. Just one quick question. if I have values which do not fit
    together but they are depending of each other i.e. daily number of ppl
    working and daily number of production: head count could be 1-10 but
    production could be 1000 – 2000 pieces… how to have them in one graph?

  2. hanna kahwash says:

    thanks for all the videos

  3. Asereywiw says:

    Thanks, this saved my skin!

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