How to Create Image Gallery in WordPress 3.5 (Tutorial)

How to Create Image Gallery in WordPress 3.5 (Tutorial)

This tutorial explains how quickly and easily you can create an image or photo gallery in WordPress 3.5. The task is very simple and anyone can do it. For mo…

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7 responses to “How to Create Image Gallery in WordPress 3.5 (Tutorial)”

  1. Atiq Qadri says:


  2. davazno1 says:

    Jesus man , can you help ? Its 01: in the morning and i have a brain
    killing problem . Woocomerce -> Wootique . I add a product , add a feature
    image and its all good . When i return to the site and click on the image
    to zoom it this shows : “image cannot be loaded. make sure the path is
    correct and image exist” .

  3. Michelle Morgan says:

    Hi, when i insert 3 thumbnails they come out as a carousel with the
    navigation arrows. I just want a 3 column thumbnail with descriptions,
    can’t figure out what i am not doing. Can you help?

  4. pokharel chemic says:


  5. MyTreeRings says:

    Great help! Thank you! I now have an image gallery. Now, how do I return to
    editing it (rearranging images, changing captions, etc)?

  6. Leroy Abney says:

    I am a wordpress expert and I recorded a bunch of video tutorials for the
    use of wordpress. WP experts say that this is the most complete wordpress
    package ever created. go to my channel to watch the one video I posted

  7. Saqib Khan says:

    I haven’t tried Wootique. It would be great if you can contact WooThemes
    about this issue. I am sure they’ll help you with that.

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