iMovie 10.0.2 Walk Through

iMovie 10.0.2 Walk Through

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8 responses to “iMovie 10.0.2 Walk Through”

  1. Jen T says:

    why is my content library not showing

  2. Team Enchanted - Become an Enchanter! says:

    How do you rearrange clips on iMovie 10.0.2??? I really, REALY need help!

  3. Aminah S. says:

    how do you add a ‘picture in picture’?

  4. TRSTUDIOSrecording says:

    is it possible to somehow key in green screen footage for like a fireball?

  5. Jeff Mackey says:

    Great set-up but do you have any videos on how to redesign how the entire
    thing is presented? I’m used to older versions of iMovie and trying to get
    used to this new version.

  6. Tim Alwell says:

    I don’t have the “Content Library” menu in the bottom left. How do I get
    this?? And how do you save a quicktime video and covert it to mp3?

  7. Theany Sayon says:

    Hi Celia, why your transitions and titles has a lots of function boxes 3
    times more than i have in mine and i just renew yesterday. pls tell me how
    to do it. thanks

  8. Kobe M says:

    How do you do voice overs on iMovie 10.0.2???? I need it for school

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