iMovie Advanced Tutorials and Editing (Ep. 1)

iMovie Advanced Tutorials and Editing (Ep. 1)

Learn how to turn iMovie into Final Cut Pro X, Create some advanced editing, and some helpfull tips. Be sure to RATE and Subscribe Hichamoaj123:http://www.yo…

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13 responses to “iMovie Advanced Tutorials and Editing (Ep. 1)”

  1. Terri K says:

    Thanks for sharing. This was very useful. I am planning to upgrade to Final
    Cut Pro at some point. But with this tut I think I will stick with iMovie
    and build my skills there to prep for the upgrade!

  2. Killerbotful says:

    you do realise you can record your screen much better with the built in
    screen recorder 😛

  3. grandchancelor says:

    Well done. If i could add anything, i would say, if you can, take the time
    and make the whole project HD if you can film in it and export in HD. It’s
    2013, lets make it as enjoyable to view as possible. YouTube can handle it
    & you can still have HD and a small file. 😉

  4. Mayur says:

    Once again… brilliant tutorial. Very useful and thorough.

  5. Reddel Castlemann says:

    Usefull tutorial, Thanks bro !

  6. Carl Thecouncellor says:

    excellent thanks

  7. OctopusHDGaming says:

    Is Your intro to this video, motion or imovie?

  8. wwenintendofan01 says:

    I have iMovie 09, I don’t have audio effects and my advanced options are
    on… what do i do?

  9. Dawn says:


  10. hstutorials101 says:

    @biteMegabite is should be iMovie 09/11

  11. Jacob George says:

    Hey I just shot a video of my band playing from my iphone. I added some
    effects to it through I-movie, and when I tried to upload it to youtube and
    facebook it said the format was not suitable to upload. Anybody know what
    the problem might be?

  12. beautybabe05 says:

    Thanks ! That was very helpful 🙂

  13. David Merino B. says:

    well imovie is a piece of cake

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