iMovie in iOS 7 New Updated Look – iPad mini

Taking a closer look at the new iMovie. Please like this video if you feel like it 🙂
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Video tutorial posted 31/03/14
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Omg your dog is soooo quite! This video really helped me:)
Hey how do u download more theme songs
How do u do split screen! Like cloning
how do you change the title name, like how you made it say ninja dog
There’s no speeding up?
SO helpful. ios imovie is so different than on a computer
please make a new video that shows all new features
thanks dude you are like the first one to make one of these
finally some competition to pinnacle studio.
I have the same thing on my iPad right now and it’s really better then the
old version 🙂
Thanks this is awesome
Your dog is soooo cute, and video is cool, too
How about picture in picture. That is one of the newest features but I have
NO idea how to do that. Can you elaborate please?
how can i use picture in picture??
finally someone made it about ipads
Take a look at my channel i recently uploaded a tutorial on how to make the
picture in picture effect on iMovie for iOS7
Take a look at my channel i recently uploaded a tutorial on how to make the
picture in picture effect on iMovie for iOS7
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