Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #28 – Database Pt.4 – Filter with AutoFilter

Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #28 - Database Pt.4 - Filter with AutoFilter

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13 responses to “Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #28 – Database Pt.4 – Filter with AutoFilter”

  1. esmeet1 says:

    Hey, Thanks so much for the great video and the help! It’s real nice of you
    and appreciated! 

  2. Heidi Kraus says:

    Thanks so much for all those turorials…they are great and even easy to
    understand for non-native speakers such as me:) I do have a question: How
    to add a drop down list to a column in a spreadsheet? e.g. only allowed
    values are Yes, No, n/a? Would be great if you could cover in one of your
    next tutorials. Looking forward to it:) Thanks again

  3. zincis says:

    Thank you!!!

  4. 2maiaful says:

    You are the best! I worked through all the videos and I can say in one week
    I have shed off all the fears I had of using excel. it has never been this
    easy. I am more confident of myself now. Thanks so much for your
    selflesness and generosity.God will bless you abundantly.Keep helping
    others.Thanks again!.

  5. 70MrKitty says:

    finished it! and i loved every bit of it. ^^

  6. gyaaniji says:

    love d videos…tiny question tho, why do you still use the old version of

  7. Godaakhiro says:

    Thanks for sharing this.

  8. Kristen Schaugaard-Green says:

    Your tutorials are brilliant! I have learned loads from you. Thank you!

  9. Caroline Chung-Wipff says:

    Thank you! Very helpful.

  10. manpildo says:

    watched it from beginning to end… brilliant stuff. liked all your videos.
    hopefully more to come 🙂

  11. Nathaniel Sanchez says:

    sir, i would like to know if you’ve uploaded some videos about pivot
    tables… because i love the way you present stuff… thank you…

  12. abdul hameed says:

    i like it

  13. blabla12394 says:

    Thanks so much for your videos, I watched them all. You’re a great teacher.
    I’m looking forward to new tutorials.

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