Adobe Illustrator Smooth Tool Tutorial

Adobe Illustrator Smooth Tool Tutorial

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6 responses to “Adobe Illustrator Smooth Tool Tutorial”

  1. Lillith Sorceress says:

    Thanks so much! I’ve done my first typo and it was looking quite bad but
    with this tool, everything looks much nicer! Thanks! 😀 Very useful video!

  2. Matt Borchert says:

    Hey Ruben, I have the settings set to the default (I believe) of 2.5px
    fidelity and 25% smoothness. I try to change how the smooth tool behaves
    by changing how long and what angle I use it at. I don’t tend to actually
    change the settings of the smooth tool itself.

  3. Falling Knowledge (PS & AI Tutorials) says:

    Matt! Thanks so much for showing us how to use this tutorial … I too am
    going over tools tutorials on my youtube page as well and it is nice to
    view how other people teach! You are doing a great job man!

  4. Caroline Powell Pape says:

    Quick and to the point! Thanks!

  5. Reuben Gallow says:

    Good stuff to know, my trouble with the smooth tool is getting the right
    settings, what do you recommend for the fidelity and smoothness setting
    that would be good for most jobs.

  6. Kaip911 says:

    great tip! thanks

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