After Effects Simple Hologram Tutorial

After Effects Simple Hologram Tutorial

This tutorial walks through how to put a hologram on a watch as featured in my latest main channel video. So anyway. How’s life? Me, it’s good. Just uploaded…
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23 responses to “After Effects Simple Hologram Tutorial”

  1. Saf Younes says:

    Did anyone told that u look like max from wizard of waverly place series 

  2. Replay Production says:

    thanks mannnn

  3. mugwumpA says:

    you was just like ‘Create a new salad’ LOL 

  4. 1beautifule says:

    What program are you using to do this?

  5. Salma Karim says:

    You’re amazing! really keep learning believe me it will be of a lot of use
    when you get older ^^ I’ve been there :D

  6. King heart says:

    your gonna make alot of money some day kid..keep learning valuable things

  7. Alex Joseph says:

    jesus was crucified at the age of 33 not 25

  8. Joel Palisik says:

    Thank you so much. Great tutorial

  9. BADblueRANGER says:

    i know its a bit much to ask but please can u make me an intro ive
    subscribed to both of your youtube accounts and your intro and outro is epic

  10. breakbone1000 says:

    This really helped thank

  11. SoulGamerStudio says:

    u dont need to say we all know its Chuck Norris approved unlike Justin

  12. deadsaber says:

    /watch?v=felIKqcwziw Hologram Effect

  13. will dinsmore says:

    awesome… im going to try this one tonight! thank you!

  14. BADblueRANGER says:

    OMG READ THE DESCRIPTION AND THANKS FOR THE VID it helped alot sorry about

  15. masterodoom says:


  16. RigthEbonit says:

    thank you so much 🙂

  17. sjouke van der naalt says:

    how can i track the watch?

  18. tejas Sawant says:

    pentagram is the best

  19. nexon gamefirst says:

    G’N’R better

  20. lucky leo says:

    lol, u must be one of the futurama script writers…

  21. Christian Bulan says:

    I hope my father will say the same to me. My parents don’t even support me.
    Haha I’ve got talents but no youtube videos uploaded yet. 😀

  22. VFXTV says:

    Dude this is awesome.

  23. Jimmysweets17 says:

    Haha nice description

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