After Effects Tutorial: Basic Text & Knoll Light Factory Animation. Part 2. by AcrezHD

After Effects Tutorial: Basic Text & Knoll Light Factory Animation. Part 2. by AcrezHD

Part 2: Here is a basic tutorial in After Effects on how to animate text and lens flare. Thanks for watching! Please leave your feedback in the comment box a…
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24 responses to “After Effects Tutorial: Basic Text & Knoll Light Factory Animation. Part 2. by AcrezHD”

  1. Elyssa Paul says:

    thank you so much! aaaa 

  2. Rajendra Saini says:

    thank you …..boss

  3. EMBRAC3TH3GAYN3ZZ says:

    @Spev624 click the blue button that says Fn then click F9

  4. IREIGNI says:

    very nice tutorial =)

  5. PhoenicianC4D says:

    Thanks mate

  6. Erik Vinje says:

    @iDigitalDesignsHD Thanks a lot 🙂

  7. Eddysantoso1010 says:

    Very good thanks

  8. Calvin Standifer says:

    Thanks for sharing!!

  9. JTR1VideoGaming says:

    my knoll light effects keep crashing. can i fix this?

  10. RvntPuffOG says:

    Error when I render, any help?

  11. MrRogerDelmore says:

    THANKS MAN!!! 🙂 Soooo Helpful!!! I’m a newbie to After Effects! and didn’t
    know anything about masks!! that will help heaps!!

  12. RiKeMer96 says:

    thnx a lot for this tutorial… it help me lots

  13. HGBZ95 says:

    Thank you so much!!!!!

  14. ELTheGeek says:

    For some reason when I try this I can’t even see the Light Effect

  15. mackem1980 says:

    thank man this helped a lot…vid will be posted

  16. SmoothGames says:

    Just want to say what everbody does, you make it nice smooth clean and easy
    for beginners and skilled editors thank you for that!

  17. WaMeDooHD says:

    @Spev624 im usin a hp laptop too i just right click and go to key frame
    assistant than it branches out and you’ll see f9 easy ease

  18. MrCameronater says:

    I will post video response 😀

  19. LeeeeeoJ says:

    @darkface27 klf is an external plugin it doesnt come with aae

  20. mz liefhebber says:

    did you use a trial version of an trapcode?

  21. Blake Schmidt says:

    i dont get how you get both to play at the same time. either one or the
    other plays.

  22. milanTHErocker says:

    @AcrezHD hey,where do i find sounds for my videos. example:the ”zoom”
    sound when the letter apear?

  23. CircHD says:

    ive been searching and searching , where did you get KLF for mac?

  24. Orlando Dias says:

    I’m Portuguese…

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