AJAX Tutorial – 10 – Changing the Users HTML

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Video tutorial posted 27/04/14
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Wouldn’t it be a better idea to not constantly send requests to the server
and just wait for user input? You could catch it with onkeyup or
Bucky thanks for making such awesome tutorials. Your tutorials encouraged
me learning Java and C++. Thanks Alot. You are our hero 🙂
O.o that comment is old.. but you realize he never refreshed the page to
update with his new code… which means it prob did work but he never
turned it on. <.< Just Saying.
I took a look in my subscripions box and before i saw the thumbnail my
first thought was that you had uploaded a tutorial on how to use ajax, the
cleaning product XD
Sorry punk we dont sell no Spam!
Why do you write “don’t” and “can’t” wrong on purpose?
Bucky, can you post here the link in your forum where the source codes are?
I have watched the tutorials but unfortunately when i tried to run it the
dynamic text display doesn’t show. seems that there are missing codes in my
script. Thanks for the tutorials!
is it not possible to use onChange() on the input-field to start the
Awesome vid! would you ever do an action script tut?
canned spam is the best
setTimeout(‘string to eval’, 1000); lol. functions are first class citizens
in js.
damn do you have directions to a local store that may sell some ?
Ajax tutorials?!?!?! HOLY HELL YES
i didnt like it. its a copy of facebook. why you wanna see it> make
something awesome instead.
Nice Tut, this will come in handy for my AJAX assignment this year
Same here 😀
Hey bucky ,nice tut But why not recoding video in 1080p , or 720p atleast ?
why not make a style tag in the head tag and do this #underInput{
color:blue; } style head is it ok?
OOOOHHHHHHHH! Bucky went in.
I didn’t see this vid, since im gonna start from the beginning! But for you
Bucky Roberts. Your the most awesome person i have seen on youtube (except
for PewDiePie) Without you i would sit and game MW3 and so on all day! But
you gave me a better future. to learn and do something special that i
enjoy. I have for now been making website and a few pograms with the help
of you! Just wonna say how much i apreciate it! Thanks you so much 🙂 And
keep up the good work!
Hi Bucky, do you have any tutorials how you have made that ‘copy of
facebook’ site. I would like to see that!
– at the first, i wanteded to thank you for this nice tutorial! – is there
something im missing or you realy wanted to create a Reqursive Call on your
Line 44 with this code: setTimeout(‘process()’, 1000); – or is it more
efective way to change this line with this:
setTimeout(‘handleServerResponse()’, 1000); – by this way, we dont repeat
the all ‘process()’ function with the first request we just repeat the
response part of the code. – it will lower the server access %50 at least.
Can you do a video editing series?
You’re one of the few Youtubers I enjoy getting spammed with video’s by. 🙂
That’s cool bro.