Eye Retouching and Enhancing – Adobe Lightroom Tutorial

If you’ve seen my Photoshop Eye Retouching video, this video covers many of the same retouching tricks but this time done in Adobe Lightroom using completely…
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Video tutorial posted 20/04/14
Category: Lightroom Tutorials
Tags: Adobe, Enhancing, Lightroom, retouching, Tutorial

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Your result is beautiful but as a tutorial it would be more helpful to do
the image while you show how you got the result… Its very hard to follow
without an example.
@michaelt27 I used this image as a sample to teach the technique. Ideally
you would use it to enhance the eyes matching the lighting of the image.
Besides, most people (besides another photographer) would never notice the
catch light having a different light “source” than the remainder of the
image. I believe the problems with the contrast is more of a video capture
and export problem. I have been having trouble with color and contrast
changing in the exported videos.
I appreciate the quality of what was done, and much of it was well-done.
There are two issues I see with this edit: The picture overall should have
been fixed up before the eyes (some problems–such as the whiteness of the
white of the eyes and some lack of contrast–would no longer be problems at
that point.) The other problem is that a different catch light makes the
eyes inconsistent from the lighting indicated by the rest of the picture.