Fireworks CS4 CS5 Tutorial : Happy Valentine’s Day Graphics for Web or Print

Fireworks CS4 CS5 Tutorial : Happy Valentine's Day Graphics for Web or Print

Learn some techniques for creating juicy graphics in Fireworks. This lesson focuses around Valentine’s Day Graphics. You can export your custom graphics in F…

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18 responses to “Fireworks CS4 CS5 Tutorial : Happy Valentine’s Day Graphics for Web or Print”

  1. FunkyPunk75 says:

    Thanks dude =]

  2. Mandelbrot Set says:


  3. outofmorocco says:

    i like tthe method of your teaching

  4. RiSeUpGuYz says:

    dude thankxx for this…u r with us in every moment… so one word

  5. p0ker1sc00l says:

    Really nice tutorial !

  6. larebella4u says:

    My girlfried will love it 😛 🙂

  7. ErikaDResinCurves says:

    That’s sweet! ^-^

  8. Ngọc Huỳnh says:

    thank you for your teach

  9. AmorinternacionalNog says:

    awesome tut, really helped, thanks a million…time to dust off fireworks

  10. petertheanimator says:

    @casparek I use illustrator for drawing and fireworks for web graphics

  11. Andrew Palmer says:

    Love this. Excellent use and explanation of tools/features used.

  12. akos bacso says:

    Hi! I like your videos very much & I think they most useful ! One question
    got to my mind though, namely that do you use a grid system of any kind in
    fireworks in conjuction with the snap to grid function and if you do so
    whats your opinion on the grid scaling (I mean the size of the squares
    which make up a grid)? Thanks for the videos again!

  13. davidiom27 says:

    cheaper than a card cheers

  14. Alex Bukin says:

    Great lesson thanks Adam! p.s.Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

  15. Samuel Haycock says:

    I loved the voice of the commenters 🙂

  16. Ako Naito says:

    thanks for this vid

  17. sakuraness says:

    Holiday inspired tutorials! Yay!

  18. XMAnuca says:

    Thanks for this tutorial!!! See ya my friend!!!

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