Fireworks Tutorial: create rollover images for a side navigation bar and export for dreamweaver

Fireworks Tutorial: create rollover images for a side navigation bar and export for dreamweaver

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22 responses to “Fireworks Tutorial: create rollover images for a side navigation bar and export for dreamweaver”

  1. AdviceCheese says:

    Intro Scared the shit out of me

  2. Paul Alisz says:

    Good Tutorial, please create a tutorial showing how to make transitional
    menu’s and positioning them. Some “detailed” FTP help would be great. Great

  3. DreamWeaverTutorial says:

    Hi, ill need a little bit more information, I tried to re create what you
    have said but cannot see where you went wrong. did you duplicate the first
    state and export the up image first, then export the over image, and then
    export the down image? if you did that then you should just have 3 images
    for each button. are you using fireworks cs3? if so did you make the
    buttons using the button editor? lol, tell me a little bit more. James

  4. Aggregate02 says:

    Fireworks CS4 is the latest version of Fireworks, not CS3.

  5. netjunky41 says:

    i’m using fireworks 8 and there is no states button what do i do??

  6. troglodyte3344 says:

    @russelluk25 states are what frames have been renamed to.

  7. DreamWeaverTutorial says:

    you can insert it as a navigation bar and that will give you four choices
    up over down over while down then choose to either insert horizontally or

  8. troglodyte3344 says:

    @Remiss63 Photoshop has many more features for adjustments but fireworks is
    used to rapidly prototype web designs for clients.

  9. troglodyte3344 says:

    @teakz89 it will be ‘frames’ for fireworks 8 🙂

  10. Aggregate02 says:

    I don’t know, you can only download or get CS4 from Adobe, but if you have
    the other versions of Fireworks then you can upgrade it.

  11. Dragos Vasile says:


  12. teakz89 says:

    I dont see a “state” option under window tab. I am using Fireworks 8.

  13. fmandwc2 says:

    Hey, when I exported them, for each button it made like 10 files, one for
    each row, column, and frame. Why did it do this?

  14. fmandwc2 says:

    Okay I still have no idea why it did that, but I found another way to make
    it work. In the export box, you can select, Export: “states to files” and
    it’ll make a .jpg or w/e file for each state. I didn’t make a down image,
    though I wanted to. In the Dw box for inserting a rollover image it only
    gives you boxes for two images, how can you put in a third for down?

  15. teakz89 says:

    I dont have the “state” option or a “window” tab. I am using Fireworks 8.
    Whatdo I do?

  16. DreamWeaverTutorial says:

    @ingratiator I did in this video called insert images into dreamweaver. the
    images are placed into a folder then I put them into another folder and
    define a site while defining the root folder.
    watch?v=R2o7UmAN2yQ&feature=related I have a website with 1000 + video
    tutorials. go to the site and in the dreamweaver section you will find a
    more in depth explanation of how to define a site in dreamweaver.

  17. Russell Glenister says:

    Great video- very clear. Unfortunately I have CS3 not CS4, which wasn’t
    made very clear by your title, so I cannot use states! It has however, got
    me interested in upgrading to CS4 🙂

  18. Andrew Raimist says:

    Can you discuss the benefits of using Fireworks vs. Photoshop?


    ur dumb

  20. DreamWeaverTutorial says:

    I’m crying…

  21. vwillis23 says:

    This video Is great work imma have my student check out your TUTS they can
    from your style. And great cam angles. 10 out of 10

  22. Richard Grant says:

    your intro is a FAIL!

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