How to Extrude 3D Text in After Effects CS6 – Tutorial

How to Extrude 3D Text in After Effects CS6 - Tutorial

3D Text in After Effects CS6 Tutorial. This is just some basic know how with After Effects and it’s new Ray-Tracing 3D extrusion plugin. Subscribe to my main…
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11 responses to “How to Extrude 3D Text in After Effects CS6 – Tutorial”

  1. Francisco Zicarelli says:


  2. Dirty Bomb Movie says:

    Hope it helps. Thank you for watching the tut.

  3. IMLR. says:

    if you want to listen to ur video dont put slender scary shit music on it

  4. MrErnest0 says:

    this technique is CS6 exclusive, if you search methods of how to create 3d
    text in CS5 I’m sure someone will have a tutorial for you because people
    were using 3d text well before CS6 came out

  5. Bacon Burger says:

    it doesnt give me more options like the geomenty things

  6. Kaden Rudofski says:

    Make sure you’re in Ray Traced 3D, not classic.

  7. xJulianxx says:

    im not getting the orange settings under the geometry options

  8. Dirty Bomb Movie says:

    Movie is done. We are just rolling out Tutorials and cool things to come.

  9. xJulianxx says:

    at 1:32 where the XYZ arrows are they’re not on the text like they’re
    somewhere else on the area of the workplace/video ._.

  10. MisterG3O says:

    sure, that was a reasonable reaction…

  11. Brent Brooks says:


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